Whatre you lookin at? Im Spekkio. The Master of War! Ive
seen all kinds of battles from here.
How do I look to you guys?
Strong! » I see. Lets
put it this way. If youre strong, I look strong. If youre weak,
I look weak.
Weak! » (same answer)
You are strong of will
! Thats why the Old One let you through.
Long before you were born
there was a kingdom where magic flourished.
Everyone there could use it! But in time, people began to abuse their powers.
It got so bad that no one was allowed to use magic except wizards. But you
have it
determination, I mean! Magic needs power of the heart. It needs
inner strength. Magic is divided into 4 types: Lightning, Fire, Water, &
(to Crono)
You, with the punk hairdo! Youre "Lightning."
(to Marle)
The one with the ponytail is "Water."
(to Lucca)
The one with the goofy glasses is "Fire."
(to Robo)
Thats the biggest toy Ive ever seen
Hey, youre not
alive, are you?! Youve got great strength, however, since I cant
measure your inner character, I cant give any magic to you. But your
laser weapons will suffice. They can inflict "Shadow" type damage.
Not just magic, but EVERYHTING is based on the balance of these 4 powers.
Think "MAGIC," and, starting from the door, walk clockwise along the walls
of my room 3 times. Dont lose track, now.
(if unsuccessful)
No cheating! Im watching! Do it over! From the door, clockwise along
the wall, 3 times!
(if successful)
Very good! Ipso facto, meeny moe
(Crono/Marle/Lucca learns to use magic!)
(Robo cant use magic!)
So! Fortified with magic! Wanna try it out?
Yes. » All right! (battle
(if victorious)
(if defeated)
That was most embarrassing! Harrumph
Dont make
a habit of this.
Here, this is for you. (gets Spekkio special refresher set)
AM the Master of War! Whew! Sometimes I scare myself!
No. » (skip to following
You guys are too much! Bring newcomers to meet me!
(if approached again)
Hi! Looking for some practice?
Yes. » All right!
No. » Any time, friends. Remember,
IM the Master of War! |