Marle |
Wh, whats this? |

Lucca |
Its in bad shape
but it appears to be a humanoid robot!
I think I can fix it. |

Marle |
What?! It might attack us! |

Lucca |
Ill make sure it wont. Machines arent capable of
humans make them that way. |

Marle |
Lucca, you
pity them dont you? |

Lucca |
Let me get to work now, okay? |

Marle |
(said later as Lucca works)
The door wont budge. |

Lucca |
(later after repairs are complete)
Right, that does it! Im going to give it some juice! |

robot |

Marle |
Good morning! |

robot |
Good morning, mistress. What is your command? |

Marle |
Im not your "mistress." Im Marle!
and this is Crono
and Lucca, here, fixed you! |

robot |
Understood. Madam Lucca fixed me. |

Lucca |
Just Lucca will do. |

robot |
Impossible. That would be rude. |

Lucca |
Look, I hate formal titles! Dont you, Marle? |

Marle |
Hate em! |

robot |
I understand, Lucca. |

Lucca |
All right! Now whats your name? |

robot |
Name? Ah, my serial number. It is R-66Y. |

Lucca |
R-66Y? Cool! |

Marle |
No! That wont do at all! Cmon Crono, lets give him
a better name!
(input Robos name)
thats perfect! Your new name is Robo, okay? |

Robo |
I am
Robo. Data storage complete. |

Lucca |
Hey Robo, why arent there any people here? |

Robo |
What has happened here? There WERE many humans
and others of my kind in this dome. |

Lucca |
I think something awful happened here

Robo |
It would appear so
But how is it that you survived? |

Lucca |
We came through a time warp from the year 1000. |

Marle |
While exploring Arris Dome we learned there was a Gate here. |

Lucca |
We found you when we came looking for the Gate! |

Marle |
But the door to the inner chambers is locked, so were out of

Robo |
The power is off. If we go to the factory up north, I can pass through
security and activate this domes generator. |

Marle |
Youd do that for us? |

Robo |
You repaired me. Now its my turn to help you. But the generator
wont run for long, so someone must stay behind to open the door while
the powers on. |

Lucca |
Then Marle or I will stay. Who will stay behind?
Marle » (skip to Marles
Lucca » Right! Ill handle
things here!
(if spoken to again)
Looks like you need my genius after all!
Yes. » (joins Crono)
No. » Oh, all right

Marle |
Okay. Please be careful, Crono!
(if spoken to again)
Hi! I was getting SO bored. May I take Luccas place?
Yes. » (joins Crono)
No. » Okay, Ill wait here. |

Robo |
(after activating computer)
All systems down. Defense lasers are off. |

computer |
Door lock system "Zabie" operational. Enter password. |

Robo |
(after turning on power)
Emergency! Security system has gone haywire. Must escape immediately!
(as he holds door open)
Hurry! Now!!! |

elevator |
#1: Emergency elevator shut off.
#2: Emergency! Elevators disabled.

Robo |
(R-Series enter)
these are my friends! R-64Y, R-67Y, and R-69Y! Good to see you!
(is punched)
Wh, what are you doing?! |

R-64Y |
You are defective. |

R-67Y |
You have been tainted. |

Robo |
Pardon? Im
malfunctioning? |

R-64Y |
Affirmative. |

Robo |
A defect
Im a defect

R-69Y |
Have you forgotten our mission? All intruders must be eliminated! |

Robo |
THAT was my purpose? |

R-64Y |
You shame us! You must be destroyed.
(R-Series attack Robo) |

Robo |
(said if Crono interferes)
No, stop! These are my brothers! |

Marle |
Robo! Crono, Robos getting whipped! |

Lucca |
Wh, what are you doing! |

Robo |
(attack pauses)
Please stop. Pl
(attack resumes) |

Marle |
Youll break down!
(after Robo is discarded)
Robo! |

Lucca |
But theyll destroy you!
(after Robo is discarded)
Robo! |

R-64Y |
Now to take care of the intruders

Marle |
You cocky boxes of bolts!
Youll never get away with this!
(after battle)
Robo! They trashed him! Wahh
! What should we do?! Robo just got creamed!
Crono, lets take him back to Lucca! |

Lucca |
No! Lets take care of YOU!
(after battle)
Robo! They trashed him! Hes in bad shape
Im not sure I can
fix him. Lets get him back to Proto Dome for now