Spoiler Warning: this page contains detailed plot
Chrono Trigger Script
~ The Millennial Fair ~
Cronos house

Gina |
Crono! Good morning, Crono! Come on, sleepy head! Get up! Ah,
Leenes Bell makes such beautiful music! You were so excited about the
Millennial Fair that you didnt sleep well, did you
? I want you
to behave yourself today! (pause) Lets get moving, now!
(Crono goes downstairs)
Finally! By the way, that inventor friend of yours
Uh, you know
Oh, dear, Ive forgotten her name!
(input Lucca's name)
Thats right, Lucca! Dont forget that she invited you to see her
new invention!
Run along now, and be back before dinner.
(Crono talks to her again)
Oh, I almost forgot! Heres your allowance, dear! Have fun at the fair!
*Received 200G!* |
Truce Inn

maid |
Come on in! Take your bloody time
! Id rather serve you than
go to the fair, anyway

pianist |
Are you buying?
Sure. » Thanks! Ill play
you a song. (plays "Green Memories")
Sorry. » (nothing happens) |

man at desk |
Been to the fair yet?
Yes. » Wasnt that a trip?!
I spent all my Silver Points at the "Tent of Horrors!"
No. » Well get going , then!!
Youll have to wait a thousand years for another Millennial Fair! |

clerk |
Lodging is 10 G.
Check in? » (Crono
No, thanks. » See ya around.

man upstairs |
Remember that earthquake we just had?
Yes. » Weve been having
too many. Somethings wrong
Hope the "Big One" isnt
No. » No? Airhead, huh? Well,
never mind. |
Truce Market

poyozo |
Visit our stall in Leene Square! |
Truce Residence

man |
That brat, Lucca, says shes made the discovery of a lifetime. |

woman |
Im so happy I could scream! |
Truce Residence

woman |
Hard to believe Guardia is now 1000 years old, and our King is the XXXIII
descendent to the throne!
But how can he rule a kingdom when he cant even control his own daughter?! |
Truce Ticket Office

man |
Sometimes a mysterious whirlpool appears in the ocean near here. What
could cause that? |

Elaine |
If only Fritz would return. Id ask for nothing more!
(after a few moments)
I guess he's forgotten me. |

clerk |
Its 10 G to Porre. Hop aboard?
Yes. » (Crono rides the
No. » (nothing happens) |
Luccas house

Lara |
Oh, hi Crono. Luccas off at Leene Square with her father, Taban,
unveiling her new invention. |
Guardia Castle

solider |
(if Crono arrives alone)
Whos there! Cant let you through. Go check out the festival!
(if Marle is present)
Who's there! |

Marle |
Cmon, lets check out the fair! |
Zenan Bridge

clerk |
Im opening a stall at the fairgrounds. Why dont you drop
by!? |

man |
Going to the fair! |

little girl |
Yea! A festival! Lets get crazy! |

old man |
Always wanted to go to a 1000th Anniversary! |

man |
All right, everyone! Lets have some fun! |
Porre Inn

clerk |
20G in advance
Yes » Very well! (Crono
No » Come again soon. |
Snail Stop

woman |
Some monsters coexist with humans. Like that piano player. |
man at bar |
400 years ago a woman named Fiona died trying to save the great forest
that once flourished
to the north. How sad

bartender |
Ive got the best Jerky in town, but Im saving it. I might
let some go for, say, 9900G.
How about it?
Yes. » Not enough cash.
No. » Didnt think so

patron |
Everyones over at the festival. What fools! |

kilwala |
Im the piano man

Play a sad one, Joe! » (plays "In
the Depths of the Night")
Something upbeat, please! » (plays
"Bike Chase") |
Porre Residence

woman |
I wanna go to the festival, too! |

man |
Grandpa & Grandma went to the 1000th Anniversary in Truce. Were
keeping an eye on things here! |
Porre Mayors Manor

woman |
The children are slipping away from us. Its so sad

daughter |
The person I hate most? My dad, of course. |

son |
Dad loves money more than he loves me... |

daughter |
Everyone says Daddys greedy. Theyre lying, right? |

Elder |
Ha! I run this town! And Im so rich I dont know what to do
with it all!! Give you 10G if you act like a chicken!
Yes. » (Crono does)
HAAAHAHA! Here ya go, 10G!
No. » Bo-oring! |
Porre Ticket Office

boy |
Nothing like a ferry ride! |

woman |
I take the ferry every chance I get! |

clerk |
A one-way ticket is 10G. Want one?
Yes. » Here you go. Have a nice
No. » But youd love the
trip! I guarantee it! |
Leene Square (south)

old man |
Welcome to the Millennial Fair! Have fun! |

little girl |
Those runners are busy racing, so they wont talk to you. |

old woman |
The Kingdoms been through a lot, like the war against Magus, 400
years ago.
Thank goodness things are so peaceful now. |

old man |
(will say one of the following)
I knew it! Its the Green Amber!
Catalack, youre a sure bet!
Cant anyone beat G.I. Jogger?
The Steel Runner might try something. |

woman |
I heard this guy pays big bucks for charms, weapons, pendants, and other
rarities. (referring to Melchior) |

tent attendant |
This is the renowned "Tent of Horrors!" Spend your __ Silver Points here!
Parental discretion advised. |

boy |
Whats the big deal? So what if we won a war against a Wizard hundreds
of years ago! |

Melchior |
Buy something from Melchior, the swordsmith?
Sure. » (after sale)
I live on the continent to the east. Come see me sometime
No thanks. » (nothing
(if Marle is present he continues
By the way
Could you talk that young lady into selling her pendant?
Ill try. » Oh, my!
the pendant
! Er, sorry, but I cant buy that!
far too special! Keep it safe!
No. » (nothing happens) |

woman |
I heard Lucca and her dad have made another crazy invention. Hope it
doesnt blow up like all the others!
(if Marle is present she continues
They ought to be ready now. Make for the far side of the Square. |

Marle |
This is going to be fun! Come on, Crono! |

little girl |
This is Leene Square. They say people who hear Leenes Bell ring
will have interesting and happy lives! |

Marle |
Im having a great time! |

little girl |
Luccas device is all set up. Shes at the north end of the
Square. |
Leene Square (middle)

Marle |
(Crono bumps into her)
Hey!! Ouch, that hurt!
(Leenes Bell chimes)
Im so sorry! Are you okay? Uh oh
My pendant! Oh, no! Dont
tell me I lost it!
(Crono retrieves pendant)
Oh, thank goodness! My pendant! It has a lot of sentimental value! May I
have it back?
Yes. » I came to see the Festival!
live in this town, dont you?! I feel a little out of place
Would you mind if I walked around with you for a while?
Sure. » Youre a true gentlemen! Oh,
by the way
My name is, er
(input Marles name)
um, Marle! And
youre? Crono? What a nice name! Pleased to meet you! Now, lead on!
Sorry. » Oh, come on! I dont know
anyone around here! Please! (choice repeats)
No. » (nothing
happens) |

clerk |
You have __ Silver Points. Want to exchange 10 Silver Points for 50 G?
Yes. » Come again.
(or) Not enough Silver Points.
No. » (nothing happens) |

man |
Theyre still setting up. Why dont you come back in a while? |

candy seller |
I hate fairs! Say, do you know the latest gossip?
Yes. » Then scram!
No. » Just between us, I heard
the King is distressed over his tomboy of a daughter!
once, I would like to see how wild she really is! |

man |
Keep going if you want to demo Luccas robot battle trainer! Collect
Silver Points if you win! |

little girl |
Wahhh! Wheres my cat?!!
(Crono returns the cat)
You brought back my cat! Thank you! |

Marle |
Youre so sweet, Crono! |

enthusiast |
Its a soda guzzling contest! Press the A button as fast as you can!
Ready? Set? Go!
(if Crono drinks all eight)
Not bad! Ill put 5 Silver Points on your card.
(if Crono drinks seven or less cans)
Only __ cans? Is that the best you can do?! |

Marle |
Youre awfully competitive, arent you Crono? |

old man |
No time to talk. Im just sitting down for my lunch. |

Marle |
(if Crono eats the lunch)
Youre such a pig, Crono! |
Leene Square (approaching north exit)

Marle |
Hold your horses! I want to get some candy.
(if interrupted)
Give me just a second!
(if interrupted again)
Theres no need to drag me by the arm like some kidnapper!
(pause while she decides)
Hi! Id like some of this. |

candy seller |
Sure, young lady. |

Marle |
Thanks for waiting! |
Leene Squae (north)

Taban |
Step right on up, any of you who have the time and the courage!
Our "Super Dimension Warp" is the invention of the century!
To use it, jump up here
(stands before left pod)
youll get teleported here! (moves to right pod)
Its the masterwork of my beautiful daughter, Lucca. |

woman |
Luccas inventions never work right. |

boy |
Check out that girls glasses! |

old man |
She could probably see the back side of the moon with those. |

Taban |
Give it a try, kid?
Oh, its you, Crono! |

Lucca |
Crono! Where have you been!? No one wants to try the Telepod! How about
you? |

Marle |
It looks like fun! Ill watch while you try it out! |

Lucca |
Just hop onto the left pod! |

Taban |
Dont worry, we tried it on our pets! Theres no reason why
it shouldnt work as well on humans!
So, step right up!
(Crono steps onto the left pod)
All systems on! |

Lucca |
Begin energy transfer! |
crowd |
(Crono teleports to right pod)
Oh wow. That was GREAT! |

woman |
I guess even HER inventions have to work, sometimes. |

old man |
Wow! |

Lucca |
So how was it? Want to try it again? |

Taban |
WORKED?! I CANT BELIEVE IT! Uh, er, a thrilling display
of science at its best, ladies and gentlemen! |

Marle |
What a kick! I want to try it, too! |

Lucca |
Huh? Hey Crono, how did you pick up a cutie like her? |

Marle |
Hang on, Crono! Ill be right there! |

Taban |
Behold, ladies and gentlemen, as this vision of loveliness steps aboard
the machine! |

Marle |
Dont go away. Ill be right back! |

Taban |
Youre sure about this
? Theres still time to change
your mind! |

Marle |
No way! Throw the switch! |

Taban |
Okay, everyone, lets give her a great big hand when she reappears!
All systems on! |

Lucca |
Begin energy transfer! |

Marle |
(pendant begins to sparkle)
Whats happening? My pendant

Lucca |
(sparks fly between pods)
Huh? |

Taban |
(Marle disappears into gate)
Lucca! Where is she?! Shows over, folks! Lets head along now!
Whats going on Lucca? WHERE IS SHE? |

Lucca |
The way she disappeared
It couldnt have been the Telepod!
The warp field seemed to be affected by her pendant

Taban |
What are we going to do now? |

Lucca |
Shes so familiar! I KNOW Ive seen her somewhere
(Crono gets on left pod)
Crono! |

Taban |
Youre actually going to do it?! What a fine lad! |

Lucca |
Listen! I dont know where this machine is going to send you, but
we havent any other choice. |

Taban |
Wont they both be lost? |

Lucca |
This is our only hope! That pendant seems to be the key, so hang on to
it Crono, and brace yourself! |

Taban |
All systems on! |

Lucca |
Begin energy transfer! Power to full! |

Taban |
Roger! |

Lucca |
More! Give me more power! |

Taban |
Roger! |

Lucca |
(sparks fly between pods)
There! We did it!
(Crono disappears into gate)
Ill follow you after I know what went wrong. Good luck, Crono! |
Timetables |