Spoiler Warning: this page contains detailed plot
Encyclopedia: A - E
Acacia Dragoons
The knights of El Nido under the supervision of General Viper. Charged with
keeping the peace, they operate on the central island with Viper Manor serving
as their base. The highest rank of dragoon is that of Dragoon Deva. Dragoons
are known to ride small dinosaur-like dragons in the midst of battle and
while on patrol. These animals were introduced to humanity as a result of
the Time Crash in which Dinopolis and its reptilian inhabitants were drawn
in the human's timeline.
Aero-Dalton Imperial
Following his declaration that he was the new king in the Dark Ages, Dalton
re-named the Epoch to this after he confiscated it from Cronos party.
His mechanics altered the craft by adding wings as it was intended to serve
as Daltons personal aerial chariot. However the vehicle was soon recovered
by Cronos friends whereupon it again became known as the Epoch.
Janus Zeal's cat. The feline is easily distinguished by his white and purple
markings. He follows Janus everywhere and will respond only to him as he
is the childs only friend. Alfador managed to survive the fall of Zeal
and continued to live on the planet's surface during the Ice Age with the
surviving humans.
The village of the Earthbound Ones. Dug into Terra Cave, this is the last
refuge of the humans cast out of Zeal and forced to endure the hardships
of the Ice Age on the planet's surface.
Aliza, Queen
Marle's mother. She was the Queen of the Kingdom of Guardia during the Present
Age until her death when Marle was still young. Wife of King Guardia XXXIII.
Apocalypse, the
another term for the Day of Lavos; 1999 AD.
ancient fruit
the fruit of a plant that seemingly grows on Gaea's Navel. The Beeba cultivate
this fruit and use it to tame the Wingapede so that they may use the beast
as transportation. If the fruit is not given to the Wingapede it may turn
on the potential rider and attack him.
Angelus Errare
"Where Angels Lose Their Way"; this describes a point where (to quote Belthasar)
"the borders of two dimensions fluctuate in such a way as to make the passage
between the parallel realities a possibility." In other words, a dimensional
distortion. It is unknown what causes this phenomena, yet it was utilized
by Serge to jump between Home World and Another World.
John's girlfriend who watches him train in Termina in Another World. In Home
World Annie's affections lie with Paul.
Another World
one of two possible realities that emerged as a result of the time split
in 1010 AD. Another World embodies FATE's dream as she is still able to direct
the course of this timeline through the use of Records of Fate. It was also
in this timeline that Serge drowned.
Arbiter of Time, the
title given to one who makes contact with the Frozen Flame. This person has
the ability to communicate with the Time Devourer through linking to it via
the Flame. Gaining extraordinary powers, he alone will decide the fate of
the world for he has the ability to release the creature from its imprisonment
in the Darkness of Time so it may annihilate all space-time continua. Serge
was chosen by the Frozen Flame to be the arbiter during his journey to
Chronopolis in 1006. As a result, his continued existence is a threat to
the future of the dimension in which he lives.
Arni Village
found on the southern shore of the central island of El Nido. It is a small
fishing community where the residents live in huts. Arni is Serge's hometown.
Arris Dome
the ruins of a once larger city, in the post-apocalyptic world the dome serves
as one of the last remaining shelters in which humanity huddles together
in order to survive. In the lower levels are found what is left of the Info
Center, the computer equipped facility in which Cronos team first learns
of Lavos through the viewing of the events of 1999 AD. Other basement levels
house food storage facilities, though the robotic Guardian prevents access.
Parts of the Arris Dome can also be seen in the petrified future contained
within the Dead Sea.
assistant to the explorer Toma XIV.
Astral Amulet
a pendant Kid caries with her. Presumably it is the same one Schala used.
This one, however, was modified by Lucca so that it functions as an incomplete
Time Egg. Perhaps it is for this reason that Serge was able to use it to
cross dimensions. The pendant seems to have also been given a wooden base.
It is carried in a pouch that has Zeal's royal crest on it.
one of the three islands surrounding Chronopolis. A triangular barrier was
formed between the islands which surrounded the research facility so that
none could enter. The island was named after Atropos, one of the Moirae of
Greek mythology. Often known as the Three Fates, they were a trio of women
who personified destiny. Atropos, the eldest, is said to choose how a person
dies by "cutting the thread of life", an act that bestows death. Read more
about the Moirae on the Wikipedia
Atropos XR
a pink R-Series robot that was once the friend of Robo prior to 1999.
After the apocalypse she was re-programmed by the Mother Brain
and carries out her new instructions: the termination of humanity. During
a battle with Robo her senses are regained, yet she is left critically damaged.
Lucca attempts to repair her but is seemingly unable to. After the Day of
Lavos is prevented Atropos is spared this fate and she remains friends with
Robo in the future. In the Japanese release she is known
as Atropos 145.
the leader of Ioka Village in the Prehistoric Age. She is a strong ally who
fights with her fists rather than weapons. Her running style is reminiscent
of a cat and she appears to wear the hides of a furry beast. Crono allies
with her to free the Laruba Villagers captured by the Reptites and the two
succeed in a victory over Azala. Ayla is intimate with Kino, her male friend,
and the two eventually become engaged after her return home
at the end of Chrono Trigger.
the leader of the Reptites in the Prehistoric Age. He (or possibly she) is
repeatedly defeated at the hands of Ayla and Crono when Azala steals the
group's Gate Key and also when the two infiltrate Azala's fortress, the Tyrano
Lair. Azala accurately predicts the outcome of Lavos' arrival and fully knows
his race will become extinct as a result of it. Choosing to die with dignity,
he accepts his fate and thus declines Aylas requests that he accompany
her moments before his fortress is to be smashed by Lavos impact.
through Cronos interference with the timeline the residents of Medina
no longer despised humans by the end of Chrono Trigger. Bandeau undertook
the duty of establishing ferry service between Truce and Medina so people
could travel between the cities.
Bangor Dome
the ruined site in which Crono, Marle, and Lucca arrive during their first
trip to 2300 AD. There is little here other than a Gate which connects to
Guardia Forest in the year 1000.
blacksmith of the Middle Ages residing in Truce. He crafted Leene's
Bell as a gift for King Guardia to present to his wife, Queen Leene. After
her abduction he lost the will to work but quickly finished the job once
she was found.
a race of strange thick-lipped, yellow-skinned creatures that inhabit the
Hydra Marshes of El Nido. They can speak the human tongue and have established
their own culture. It is said they originally inhabited Gaea's Navel but
migrated to the marshes by riding the Wingapede across the sea. As a result
their Ancient Fruit and Beeba Flute can be used to tame the Wingapede.
Beeba Flute
an instrument used within the Beeba tribe to call forth the Wingapede. The
flute must be used in an open area free of any obstructions so the giant
bug has a place to land. The flute was given to Serge after he bested a Beeba
in battle within the Hydra Marshes.
Orcha's brother. In Home World he operates a small restaurant in Arni called
Belcha's Kitchen serving his specialty, Heckran soup. In Another World he
is unenthusiastic about cooking and has departed on a journey in order to
improve his culinary techniques. As a result the restaurant has been left
in the care of his wife who turned the establishment into Café Fleur.
Dario's favorite flower, known to bloom in the Fossil Valley on the central
island of El Nido. The flower's petals are a deep purple while the stem is
green. Glenn and Riddel place this flower on Dario and Garai's memorial when
visiting Termina.
known as the Guru of Reason when in Zeal, he was transported millennia through
time during the disaster of the Ocean Palace. He arrived in the ruined future
a few years prior to 2300 AD and took residence alone inside the Keeper's
Dome. Piecing together what he could using the computers, he researched Lavos
and its activities throughout the ages. Belthasar constructed the Epoch,
or as he has named it, "The Wings of Time", and entrusted it to Crono. Becoming
malnourished, senile, and mentally unstable, Belthasar perished shortly after
transferring his data to a (presumably robotic) Nu. After the apocalypse
had been prevented due to Crono, Belthasar arrived instead in the unharmed
future. There he began work on what would become Chronopolis before building
a one-person time machine, the Neo-Epoch, and traveling to the 11th century.
During the time of Chrono Cross he worked as a librarian within Viper
Manor with the aspiration of meeting Serge so as to advise him of the Time
Devourer when the moment was right.
Bend of Time, the
an odd temporal distortion found among a small chain of islands in central
El Nido. It is quite reminiscent of the End of Time but serves as a battle
arena so one can fight monsters from around the entire archipelago.
Blackbird, the
designed by Belthasar, it is a large blue airplane that is under the command
of Dalton. It docks just outside Kajar on Zeal's western continent. Crono's
team is eventually captured and taken aboard the aircraft to be held as
prisoners. Later they end up inadvertently destroying it using the Epoch's
Black Dragon
one of the six resident dragon gods of El Nido. This one embodies the Black
element which powers shadow and gravitational energy. It lies sleeping
inside a cave on the island of Marbule in Another World.
Black Nightmare, the
name given to the phenomenon of transparent spirits present in Home World's
Marbule. In reality these apparitions are manifestations of the Black Dragon's
dream being projected from across the other dimension.
Black Omen, the
the resurrected Ocean Palace that has taken to the skies. Inside Queen Zeal
dwells, reigning throughout the eras as an immortal. As long her link to
Lavos, the Mammon Machine, supplies her with energy she will remain undefeated
and the Omen will remain in the sky. In the Japanese version of the game
it was known as the Black Dream.
Black Wind, the
in Chrono Trigger it is presumably an aura that can be sensed by the
magically inclined. It is not known exactly what the black wind means, but
it seems to appear around one who is close to death. Janus reports that he
felt the black wind after running into Crono. In Chrono Cross the
Black Wind is a special division of the Porre military which is under the
command of Norris. It appears that the Black Wind is a special investigations
unit, considering Norris was sent undercover as a dishwasher in Viper Manor's
bluetip mushroom
an elusive fungus found deep within Shadow Forest. It is said to only sprout
one day out of the year. Lisa's father in Another World recently found one
on his latest trip to the forest.
Café Fleur
an eating place in Another Worlds Arni run by Belchas wife. After
her husbands departure she changed the décor to reflect her
personality. As a result it has been turned into an eatery filled with flowers
and inhabited by pet cats.
Cape Howl
located on the western shore of the main island of El Nido, this is where
Serge's tombstone lies in Another World. It is also here where he meets Kid
for the first time as the two fend off Karsh, Solt, and Peppor. In Home World
Serge came here to inscribe his love for Leena on a rock.
Kiki's pet komodo dragon. Still a juvenile, she was captured by Kiki's father
at Lizard Rock and given as a gift to Kiki. This only happened in Home World.
Chancellor, the
King Guardias advisor, he was abducted in the Middle Ages and replaced
by an imposter. Yakra, using magic to mimic a human appearance, was able
to infiltrate Guardia to kidnap Queen Leene. The true chancellor was rescued
by Crono upon Yakras defeat. In the year 1000 a similar scenario occurred.
The beasts descendant, Yakra XIII, assumed the guise of chancellor
after locking the real one in chest within the castle; this phony is what
was witnessed throughout most of Chrono Trigger. As before, the real
consultant is released when Crono slayed the charlatan. In both generations
the chancellor is a kind man, nothing like the irate impersonator that was
able to fool so many.
a small town just south of the Northern Ruins, found on the planet's most
eastern continent. Near the village lies West Cape, on which lies the tombstone
to the explorer Toma Levine.
its full name is the "Chronopolis Military Research Center". It is aimed
at studying time and the possibility of time travel. Unbeknownst to the
scientists working there, the facility's creator, Belthasar, had a hidden
agenda which involved using the Frozen Flame to cause the Time Crash. After
this occurred Chronopolis found itself 10,000 years in the past. In the most
heavily protected regions of the facility is housed the legendary Frozen
Flame. The center is also home to the sentient supercomputer FATE.
one of the three islands surrounding Chronopolis. A triangular barrier was
formed between the islands which surrounded the research facility so that
none could enter. The island was named after Clotho, one of the Moirae of
Greek mythology. Often known as the Three Fates, they were a trio of women
who personified destiny. Clotho, the youngest, is associated with ones
birth as she is said to "spin the thread of life". Read more about the Moirae
on the Wikipedia article.
Conservation of Time Theorem
As Gaspar so eloquently stated it: "When four or more human beings step into
a time warp they will turn up at the space-time coordinates of least resistance",
namely the End of Time.
Crazy Ocean
the bar on the S.S. Zelbess in which Sneff performed his magic show.
raised by his mother Gina, he lives with her and his pet cat. It is unknown
who his father is. After his journeys in time he succeeds in preventing the
apocalypse by destroying Lavos. After the return to his era, Crono marries
Marle and presumably becomes the prince of Guardia.
Cursed Woods
a forest found west of Porre in the Middle Ages. Frog, seeking isolation
from society, has managed to make a home for himself within a hole found
inside the woodland.
the former Captain of Guardia's royal soldiers charged with the duty to protect
the king and queen. He departed in 590 AD with his friend Glenn on an journey
to retrieve the Hero's Medal from the Frog King. He was murdered by Magus
atop the Denadoro Mountains after acquiring the Masamune. His ghost
vehemently haunted the Northern Ruins until Glenn was able to put his
soul to rest.
Dactyl Nest
located north of Ioka Village, this is where pterodactyls come to roost.
The animals have only been tamed by the Laruba tribesmen who have the ability
to call upon them for flight. The chief of Laruba Village allows Ayla to
use the dactyls as transportation in order to reach the otherwise inaccessible
Tyrano Lair in order to rescue captured Laruba villagers.
Queen Zeal's top aide and general. He mainly carries out the queen's dirty
work and does not hesitate to summon Golems to do his fighting for him. On
the occasion he is forced into battle his strategy is to use the opposite
element of the magic that is cast upon him. His desire for immortality goes
unfulfilled as a result of the kingdoms destruction, which he survives
by escaping in his aircraft, the Blackbird. In the aftermath he appoints
himself ruler of the "Kingdom of Dalton" and seizes the Epoch after imprisoning
Cronos team. After his defeat aboard the flying Epoch he is his pulled
into a strange gate when attempting to summon the Golem Boss. His current
whereabouts are unknown.
the 14th Grandmaster of the Acacia Dragoons. He assumed the position shortly
after his father, Garai, was murdered. Dario was engaged to General Viper's
daughter, Miss Riddel, but before they could wed he disappeared. On an expedition
to the Isle of the Damned in 1017 with Karsh, Dario discovered the Masamune.
Upon taking it Dario was consumed with negative feelings toward Karsh and
was possessed by sword's hatred. Karsh was attacked by Dario and forced to
fight against his friend. In Another World Karsh's retaliation was fatal
and Dario was never to be heard from again. In Home World, however, Dario
washed ashore on Forbidden Island and was nursed back to health by a woman,
despite having lost most of his memory. Three years later he was discovered
by Serges party. The Masamune materialized before him and Dario was
again overcome with hatred. The heroes defeated him and in the process purged
the Masamune of evil. Dario then regained his memories and dedicated himself
on the restoration of the ruined Viper Manor with the intent to turn it into
an orphanage.
Dark Moon, the
the second moon presumably appeared during the Time Crash as a result of
objects being pulled from across dimensions. Why this happened is still unknown,
though we do know the moon corresponds to Harle, the Dark Moon Dragon. As
she is apart of the Dragon God it is not unthinkable the moon had its origins
in the Reptite dimension.
Dark Serge
the body of Serge inhabited by the spirit of Lynx. After using the Dragon
Tear Lynx became trapped in Serge's body and vice-versa. Dark Serge is allowed
to enter the room inside Chronopolis containing the Frozen Flame as the key
is actually Serge's body. If the DNA sequence and retinal scan match that
of the arbiter the doors will open, allowing one access to the flame. It
was for this reason Lynx switched bodies with Serge. It can also be noted
Dark Serge makes use of levitation and some magical powers. Perhaps this
is because Lynx knows the true nature of the arbiter and has found a way
to use the arbiter's powers granted by the flame.
Darkness Beyond Time
an area that exists independent of other timelines. Destroyed timelines seemingly
come to rest here as they have no place else to go. It is probable Lavos
wound up here after his defeat at the hands of Crono. There he remained and
merged with Schala who was also drawn to this point after a Gate formed in
the Ocean Palace, pulling her in. Serge travels to the Darkness of Time to
free Schala from her imprisonment. Things do not seem to age or change within
this space as it has a time that is completely unlike that of other dimensions.
Day of Lavos
this is the day in 1999 AD during which Lavos erupts from within the planet's
crust and rains fire from the skies. This act in a sense spells the end for
humanity as most life on the planet is destroyed. Storm clouds perpetually
loom on the horizon, dust and debris fill the air, and all plants wither.
Dead Sea, the
a segment of the ruined future condensed into what was the Sea of Eden. It
is commonly thought that the Dead Sea represents what the future will become
if events are allowed to continue on their present course. The existence
of Serge threatens the future so this is why such an disaster has occurred
in Home World, the dimension in which he was allowed to live. The destruction
of the Dead Sea indicates that the fate of the future is yet undecided, as
Serge's actions can still bring disaster or save the future.
Death Peak
a large snow covered mountain found in 2300 AD. It is said Lavos came to
rest atop the peak before giving birth to its spawn. The Black Omen hovers
over this spot also, continually drawing any remaining energy from Lavos.
It is to this mountain Crono's friends had to come in order to use the Time
Egg so that Crono could be spared from death.
Death's Door
the entrance to the Dead Sea in Home World. It is surrounded by both poisonous
coral and dangerous tides. If one should succeed in entering the cave he
will find it blocked by the Masamune. Lynx stole the ominous sword and placed
it in the center of the cave to ward off potential explorers. As long as
the sword remained, it's evil influence was enough to drive away anyone lest
they be driven mad from the energy. In Another World Death's Door is known
as the Pearly Gates and a rock wall blocks the exit through the cave rather
than the Masamune.
a race of humanoid creatures that have somewhat beastly features. As there
is more to this than can be explained here, please refer to the
section of this site.
a mineral used among blacksmiths in El Nido to forge moderately strong weapons
and armor. The ore is likely named after the Denadoro Mountains of southern
Zenan. Based on this assumption many have surmised the rock is mined from
the mainland in order to be used in trade with El Nido. If this is true it
would mean denadorite is a valuable economic commodity for Porre.
Denadoro Mountains
a large mountain found on the northern side of the southern Zenan continent
directly east of San Dorino village. It is here that Magus incinerated Cyrus
and turned Glenn into Frog. The blade of the Masamune lies shattered in a
cave at the peak, guarded by the spirits Masa and Mune. Crono was forced
to overcome their test of strength in order to claim the blade. The mountain
is also noted for its strong winds.
Dimensional Vortex
a surreal area that seemingly exists between dimensions. Serge was banished
here after he changed bodies with Lynx. The appearance of the realm is that
of a brightly colored impressionist oil painting.
the city of Dragonians that was pulled over into Serges timeline from
the Reptite dimension. It is commonly accepted that while Lavos pulled the
Frozen Flame back through time to it (along with Chronopolis), an equal but
opposite reaction forced Dinopolis to be pulled across timestreams as well.
After a battle with the Chronopolis military the Dragonians were defeated
and Dinopolis was sealed away beneath the waves. Only the utmost portion
was visible above the waters, which over millennia became covered in flora.
It is this part that is known as Sky Dragon Isle.
the High Priestess and village chief of Another World's Guldove. She is very
knowledgeable in Dragonian lore, the history of El Nido, and demi-humans.
In Home World she has died by 1020 and is succeeded by her assistant shaman,
Divine Dragon Faith
a now antiquated religion that was once widely practiced in El Nido before
its colonization by Porre. Practicing members included Dragonians, demi-humans,
and some humans. Divine Dragon Falls was regarded as a holy site and was
used as a place of worship. About one hundred years ago members of the faith
were pushed to outlying regions after immigrants took residency on the main
island. The modern inhabitants of Guldove are the descendants of these refugees.
If the current beliefs of Guldove are at all reminiscent of the Divine Dragon
Faith we can surmise the religion revolved around dragon worship. Believers
had a deep reverence for nature and viewed the dragons as the planets
guardians. These tenets were strongly rooted in Dragonian tradition and
undoubtedly originated in the Reptite timeline.
Divine Dragon Falls
a small waterfall on the main island of El Nido where worshippers of the
Divine Dragon Faith came to practice until they were driven away from the
area by Zenan immigrants. At the top of the falls lies a cave in which
a Power Spot is located. It is also here than the Chrono Cross was forged
using the tears of love and hate.
Marle's descendent that lives inside Arris Dome in the ruined future of 2300
AD. He is respected as a leader of the small group of surviving humans within
the dome and gives to Crono the key for the jet bike he used to ride
as a child.
the big sister to both Masa and Mune, she spends her days in the city of
Enhasa while the Kingdom of Zeal still existed. In 1020 AD she merged with
her brothers to empower the Masamune to an even higher level - that of
Mastermune. Her name is presumed to have been a mistranslation of
the word "Dream".
during his first trek through Another Worlds Fossil Valley Serge discovered
a large egg in the nest of an agitated dodo. When this egg was later placed
in the incubators of Home Worlds Fort Dragonia a small dragon hatched
from it and immediately sought his siblings and mother. After being taken
back to the valley Draggy learned the immense dragon skeleton therein
was his mother who had perished long before.
Dragon Emblem
an artifact handed down through the generations to the successive shamans
of Guldove; ownership signifies one as being the Dragon Shaman. Direa loaned
the symbol to Serge so that he might gain the trust of Steena, the shaman
of Home Worlds Guldove.
Dragon God
a biological machine that regulates the planet's elements in the Reptite
dimension. It can symbolically be thought of as the Dragonian equivalent
to FATE. A war was raged between Dragonians and humans once Dinopolis arrived
in 7,600 BC with Chronopolis. FATE used the powers of the Frozen Flame to
split the Dragon God into six weaker lifeforms that she could keep under
her constant control. Each new dragon embodied one of the six elements of
nature. Once the dimensions were split the dragons were further divided,
three to a world. After FATE was destroyed the seal of the flame was broken
and the six dragons were free to cross dimensions and once again allowed
to merge into their original form. It is also said the true Dragon God was
absorbed by the Time Devourer in the "distant past". Many assume this occurred
during FATE's sealing process as the flame was used, which serves as a link
to Lavos. Further details on the Dragon God can be found
in sections 1 and 9 on the
Inquiries page.
Dragon's Glory
a rare, yet well know drink of the Dragonians. The recipe seems to have been
passed down to the people of Guldove as Korcha is able to steal the beverage
from his mother's kitchen in order to bribe the dock supervisor at Termina.
While it is wonderful by itself, the drink can also be used as a special
ingredient in Viper Churros. Additionally, Another Worlds Gogh keeps
a flask of it in his private quarters. It is evidently alcoholic.
Dragon Shrine
name given to the tower in Guldove which serves as the residence for the
High Priestess. Inside is stored the village treasure, the Dragon Tear.
Dragon's Tail, the
name of the bar in Termina. One of its specialty dishes is squid-gut pasta.
Dragon Tank
a small tank built by Guardia's Research and Development division under the
direction of the impostor chancellor of 1000 AD. It resembles a dragon but
has small wheels on each of its sides rather than legs. It has the ability
to eject small missiles from a chute on its back and its mouth can open to
unleash a stream of fire. The head is also resistant to fire and electricity.
Crono and Lucca were confronted with the tank while trying to escape from
Guardia's prison.
Dragon Tear
a light blue crystalline object crafted by Dragonians. Its powers include
genetic reconfiguration as evidenced not only by its ability to exchange
the bodies of Serge and Lynx, but also by its capability to reconstruct
Serges original form based on his memories. Such a high level of technology
rivals even what the workers of Chronopolis could create. The artifact was
given to humans by the Dragonians in an act of friendship in the distant
past. For years it had been passed on to be cared for by successive shamans
in Guldove. In Another World it was stored in the Dragon Shrine until the
Porre military used Orcha to unwittingly steal the tear for them. The treasure
was shattered after the initial body swap between Serge and Lynx atop Fort
Dragonia. The Dragon Tear served as a key to the fort and
activated it by unlocking all passageways and disabling all its
the species of evolved Reptites that were pulled into the human's timeline
along with their capital city of Dinopolis. It is unknown what Dragonians
looked like as they were made extinct before the year 900 AD. Their relationship
to the planet is much more intimate as they lead a natural existence not
dependent on machines and polluting appliances. They have come to use the
elements of nature to their advantage in the form of powerful elemental magic.
Also called Dragonites.
Dragoon Devas
the highest rank of Acacia Dragoons. Only four are selected at a time. In
the beginning of the 11th century the devas were Garai, Radius, Zappa, and
a yet unknown member. By 1020 these members had either died or retired, allowing
for the next group to be selected: Karsh, Zoah, Marcy, and the recently
deceased/missing Dario. The head of the Devas is termed the grandmaster;
Garai and Dario served in this position of their respective deva groups.
drakehorn grass
a native plant of El Nido that is used to make soup which is said to cure
severe cases of coughing and similar ailments. Kein has been leaving it for
Mary secretly on her windowsill.
a red prehistoric mineral. The Mammon Machine, red knife, Masamune, and Schala's
pendant were all made of dreamstone. It's exact properties are unknown, however
dreamstone is quite good at amplifying energy, as seen on numerous occasions.
The last era in which the rare mineral was found was in 12,000 BC. It is
also said to be able to cultivate dreams, but exactly how this is done has
not been explained.
a species of short, helmeted creatures with large noses. They originally
inhabited the Hydra Marshes but were forced to relocate once the ecosystem
began to fail. They resent humans and blame them for the destruction of their
home. Seeking new residence, the dwarves chose to take over the faeries'
village on Water Dragon Isle, killing numerous faeries in the process. Serge
managed to drive them away, but it is unknown where they went.
Earth Dragon
one of the six resident dragon gods of El Nido. This one embodies the Yellow
element, which controls earth forces and lightning. It rests within a cavern
on Earth Dragon Isle in Home World.
Earth Dragon Isle
an island found in the north-west sector of El Nido. In Another World the
surface is completely devoid of sand, it having vanished within the space
of a single night many years ago. In Home World the opposite is true as sand
completely covers the isle. This is perhaps in response to the presence of
the Earth Dragon who lies in a cavern below the surface.
Earthbound Ones
humans that were denied entry to the floating Kingdom of Zeal. As a result
they lack magic, as opposed to the Enlightened Ones of Zeal. They struggle
to survive against the harshness of nature during the ice age by grouping
together at Algetty inside the Terra Cave. They are looked down upon by all
Enlightened Ones except for Princess Schala and the gurus. Some were used
as slaves in order to construct the Ocean Palace.
the Dragonian equivalent to the Masamune. The sword was forged by Dragonians
and eventually came to be owned by humans. It is passed on to the most skilled
swordsman of the Acacia Dragoons, the grandmaster of the Dragoon Devas. Formerly
this was Garai, and later his son Dario. As the sword is symbolically opposite
that of the Masamune, it is the only blade with the power to fight against
the Masamune's evil aura.
(Thanks to Stéphane for the following corrections)
In Home World the sword was placed at Garai's burial site on the Isle of
the Damned, while in Another World it lies at Garai's memorial in Termina.
It is interesting to note that the genuine Einlanzer is resistant to rust.
The sword placed at Home World's Termina shrine is likely to be a replica
as it is seen to be covered in rust. Thus we might assume that while Garai
seemingly fights with two Einlanzers, only one of them is likely to be real
and the other is a significantly weaker man-made copy. Thus when Glenn travels
between dimensions he is able to claim the one true Einlanzer from each,
thus making him the first person to wield two holy Einlanzers at once.
it is unknown what her relation is to Fritz, but based on her statements
it may be surmised she is either his girlfriend or wife. She waits longingly
for him to return from a trading voyage, unaware he is wrongfully being held
within Guardia Prison. Upon his release, she helps mind the Truce Market
with Fritz and his father.
El Nido
an artificial archipelago completely constructed by FATE sometime around
the year 7,600 BC. With the exception of Gaea's Navel, each island was built
so the descendants of the Chronopolis employees would have a place to live
while continually being monitored by FATE so as not to disrupt the timeline.
It is implied El Nido lies in the seas west of Zenan.
El Nido Triangle
formed by the peaks of three rocks emerging from above the water's surface,
it is said strange things happen in this area. In actuality Starky's spaceship
crash landed and sank beneath the waves. Part of the ship still functions
resulting in a pocket of oxygen which surrounds it. It is because of this
that Serge can explore the sea bed. The ship also gives off an eerie glow
which can be seen from the surface. In Another World a large jellyfish known
as the Royal Jelly blocks the entrance to Starky's ship. This area is also
known as the Triplet Isles.
created at Power Spots, these are presumably crystal-like objects that utilize
the forces of nature to call forth powerful magical spells. Anyone can use
Elements, but they must first be equipped on a grid carried with the person.
It also seems as though Elements need to be recharged after battle before
they can be used again. The forging of Elements is Dragonian technology that
was brought to the human dimension as a result of the Time Crash. There are
six groups of elements, each corresponding to a different force of nature.
End of Time
when four or more persons attempt to use a Gate they are automatically
transported here according to the Conservation of Time Theorem. It is here
where the Guru of Time, Gaspar, came when he was pulled through time during
the Ocean Palace disaster. The End of Time serves as home-base for Crono's
team as numerous Gates can be found here that connect to all other eras.
a machine built in the future that one could use in order to achieve the
results of a full night's sleep in only a matter of seconds, however it did
nothing to resolve one's hunger. The people of the Arris and Trann Domes
were able to survive based in part from the strength provided by the Enertron.
found on the eastern continent, it is one of the two cities in the floating
Kingdom of Zeal. Crono's death was predicted here as he briefly met Janus
for the first time. Doreen frequently visits this town also.
Enlightened Ones
citizens of Zeal who are proficient magic users. They shun the Earthbound
Ones and deem them inferior. Many Enlightened Ones have a lot of pride, boasting
of how their kingdom is the center of the universe. Most lounge around doing
nothing with their days other than sleeping. After the link to Lavos has
been broken and Zeal is destroyed they lose their magical ability and live
with the Earthbound Ones as equals in the Last Village.
Entity, the
an unknown being or force that is said to be responsible for the creation
of Gates and the guiding of Crono during his adventures. The idea was brought
about when Robo suggested this possibility after 400 years of contemplation.
It was believed Crono's journey through time was merely a flashback of the
Entity's life, which was to end soon. Hypotheses are varied regarding what
this being may be, although most think the planet to be the preeminent choice.
To date no concrete answer has been given.
also known as the Wings of Time. It is a time machine designed by Belthasar
and constructed in the ruined future of 2300 AD. It was left in the care
of Crono, but as it had no wheels it was forced to remain stationary. Rather
it acted much like a Gate, taking the user to the same physical location
but in a different time period. After Dalton added wings to it the Epoch
was fully mobile. It is equipped with lasers, though those were used only
to disable the Blackbird, and even then they were activated on accident.
in the Radical Dreamers dimension he is a sophisticated green demi-human
residing in the armory of Viper Manor. After serving tea to Kid's party,
he relinquishes the key to the catacombs to them in exchange for an interesting
story. In earlier times Esmeld was involved with Miss Riddel before she was
forcefully separated from him and adopted by Lynx. Esmeld is willing to help
those who might stop Lynx so Riddel can be free. Note that these events only
transpired in the Radical Dreamers timeline.
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